Notes from the Initiation Call
Tomorrow, Wednesday 10/14, the energy for the Overnight session will be prepared. You may choose to use this energy that night or any following night. When you are ready to use the energy, begin with either one of these invocations. Use the one that feels right for you.
"I am aligning with the overnight session agreed upon Between Sherry, the metaphysical grid and my highest self. I give thanks for the energy as they work with me."
"I am, body, mind and spirit, aligned to my highest and best good. I accept energies that are resonant for me and that serve my highest purpose. While I sleep (or meditate), I willingly accept these energies to support me in co-creation of (add the one or two topics you want the energies to address here)."
You may want to play the Restorative Blanket recording you received with your package, either verbal or silent PureEnergy Download™ while you fall asleep.
I will reset the energy for the Overnight session on Tuesday October 20th and again on Tuesday October 27th. You can choose to use this energy each week after it has been reset, up to three times during this 21 day process.
Upgrade Your Energy to the Metaphysical Grids
and 21-days of LiveEnergy Downloads™
The Metaphysical Grid is a universal energetic framework that supports all connections, matter and life; everything is interconnected through your personal energy grids in this framework. This overnight energy session will focus on cleaning, clearing, and repairing your personal energy grids so that you can receive all the support the universe can provide. This process can clarify and simplify the things that have been chronically blocking you in your life and will facilitate moving through obstacles. The more connected you are to your grids, the more aligned you are to the symphony of universal energy. This "tune-up" begins to synchronize your personal grids, bringing a new level of fluidity and ease to your manifestations and your play.
To better focus the energy of this process, we recommend choosing one or two of the following:
- The body and better physical function.
- Manifesting and creating
- Interconnection to people or groups
- Supercharge your personal metaphysical grid
- Open your intuition and gifts
- Strengthen your connection to earth or animal kingdoms
Tuesday, October 13th at 9:00 am PDT, we will begin our process with our first group call. Details of how to join the call will be sent to you and posted on this page 2 days before the call and a reminder will be sent 2 hours before the call.
This will also be the first day of the 21 days of LiveEnergy Download™. I will transmit supportive energy to each person individually each day for the next 21 days. You are already registered for this and do not need to do anything more to receive this energy download.
I have sent you an email with instructions for registering your two guests and your pets. Guests must be registered by October 10th to receive the energy downloads.
Wednesday October 14th at 7:00 pm PDT, the energy for the overnight session will be prepared. You may choose to use this energy that night or any following night. When you are ready to use the energy, begin with either one of these invocations. Use the one that feels right for you.
"I am aligning with the overnight session agreed upon Between Sherry, the metaphysical grid and my highest self. I give thanks for the energy as they work with me."
"I am, body, mind and spirit, aligned to my highest and best good. I accept energies that are resonant for me and that serve my highest purpose. While I sleep (or meditate) I willingly accept these energies to support me in co-creation of (add the two topics you want the energies to address here)."
You may want to play the Restorative Blanket recording you received with your package, either verbal or silent PureEnergy Download™ while you fall asleep.
Saturday October 31st at 9:00 am PDT, we will hold our second group call to amplify the energy field and calibrate the new grids.
Monday November 2nd will be the last day of the 21 days of LiveEnergy Download™.
Please leave me a comment...
I will respond to questions posted here. Publishing comments will be at my discretion unless you ask me not to publish your comment.
When you post a comment, you will be able to see your own comment and it might seem like it has been published. That is because only you are able to edit your own comment. You will see an Edit link next to the date. If I publish your comment, the Edit link will go away.
Unless you request otherwise, comments left here may be used as testimonials. Feel free to leave a location or name you want to use. I may contact you to ask for a picture to go with the testimonial.
I love your work and felt all of your downloads throughout the 21 days!…… Wish it would last longer ! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Can you do a part two? I seen quite a change in how I am being! I am learning to love myself a bit more and speak up for myself but I feel like I need more support with that! I much too involved in the care giving of my parents at the expense of myself!!!
Rosemary, thank you for your kind words. The best way to continue this work is to either schedule a personal session or buy my current package. You can schedule a personal session by going to this link and using the password InfiniteGrace (case sensitive). You can buy my current package by going to this link. I recommend package C as it is the best value.
Yes I am planning to buy package C as soon as I can!
Is it my computer, or is the recording missing the opening part? It is wonderful to have these recordings for repeated use.
Peace & Joy…
Leslie, the recording on this webpage is complete. The recording on Instant Teleseminar does have the first few minutes missing. I’ll be replacing that one soon.
Dear Sherri,
Thanks for this first wonderful call! I ate lunch immediately afterward and instead of my usual early afternoon sleepiness I’ve been energized and productive ever since. I feel such compassionate acceptance from you for all of our many selves, which certainly facilitates my own self acceptance and love.
Thank you for your generosity to all of us, including our loved ones.
Blessings to you, this group, and all beings…
Thank you!
LOVE LOVE LOVE it today. Thank you soooooo much Sherry! I feel MORE CONNECTED TO SOURCE.
How to I LOVE & let go of my friends & family and their challenges, both physical, financial, emotional, et al.
I feel good but held back….time to care for myself.
You are welcome!
Sherry do we need to tell you which two subjects we want to focus on for the overnight healing? X
No it is not but you are welcome to.
With Gratitude,
Do we tell you which items we select to be strengthened for our grids?
Thank you !! Enjoying the process very much!!!
It’s not necessary as the energy knows what you desire and will work on that directly or something that must happen first. That said, some people love to share it as a way declaring and its great if you would like to share.
forgive the ignorance – yet what would the benefits of selecting to supercharge the personal metaphysica grid ?
also – once we decide – will it be beneficial to share with you what we select ?
thank you – Meg
Aloha Meg,
This question came up last time and I do get, what is the point since that is what is being done. Your grids will be charged on all levels as it is. My original intent was for those who really wanted to connect with other kingdoms or realms. I almost deleted it this time, but felt someone may be thinking this way. If your question is what is this? Then I will happily answer that too, particularly on the first call.