LiveEnergy Downloads™ and the Metaphysical Grids
The Metaphysical Grid is a universal energetic framework that supports all connections, matter and life; everything is interconnected through your personal energy grids in this framework. This process will focus on cleaning, clearing, and repairing your personal energy grids so that you can receive all the support the universe can provide. This process can clarify and simplify the things that have been chronically blocking you in your life and will facilitate moving through obstacles. The more connected you are to your personal grids, the more aligned you are to the symphony of universal energy. This "tune-up" begins to synchronize your personal grid, bringing a new level of fluidity and ease to your manifestations and your play.
This unique event includes 21 days of daily energy amplifying and building grids for any purpose you desire. Each participant will receive personal energy daily.

Refining the Metaphysical Grid Call
Here is the recording of the live call we held today with the buyers of my package. You can get the activations and clearings and listen to the Q&A if you like. Listening is not necessary to get the energy of the 21-days; you will get that energy whether you listen to this recording or not. But you may find the recording helpful and healing in addition.
Metaphysical Grid Initiation Call
Unless you request otherwise, comments left here may be used as a testimonial for marketing purposes. Please feel free to leave a title or location to be included with your testimonial.
Thank you, Sherry for the opportunity to be a guest. My friend Maree must have been divinely guided to invite me. My areas of focus are physical health and on grounding to the earth/animal kingdom. We unexpectedly had to put a kitty to sleep on Monday morning and your energy transmissions starting right after have been a godsend–so I believe she was totally guided to invite me. Thank you so much.
Happy to have you Sue!
I am entitled and invited by Christina Schmidt, London.
Thank You for the 21 days of LiveEnergy Download™
Love and Blessings
Carita Schmidt
Please put my mailadress on your guest list. Thank You. With Love and Blessings Carita Schmidt
Hi Sherry,
I spoke to my daughter and she is curious about this …she gave me a permission to sign her up…
Thank you so very much, the session was truly amazing!!!
Great, we are glad to have her join us!
Hello, Sherry.
Sweet Joy invited me to join and I’ m really grateful for that.
Much love and blessings.
Welcome Pricilla! Much love to you too!
Rosemary (Roz) invited me to be her guest for your healing work. I would like healing in my finances/career and relationship areas. Much Gratitude.
Thank you Sandya.
is this where we register guests? or do they have a separate area that they fill out –
and –
if you have 2 pets, do they count as the 2 guests ?
thank you !! Mm
Hi Meg,
The pets that live in your home with you are free. On the email that was sent last night there is an email link for me to get their names and species.
For guests, you were to receive a separate email to send them to register and then they are included. They have a separate page they can ask questions or make comments.