21-days of LiveEnergy Download
and Essential Dolphin Energies Weekend

Sherry will provide 21-days of daily refining and amplifying personal energy grids for any purpose you desire. Each participant will receive personal energy daily. We will be building an energetic scaffolding of sacred geometry and universal harmonics to:

  • Improve your physical symptoms
  • Resolve negative thought patterns
  • Increase abundance and self esteem
  • Increase your passion for life and creativity
  • Connect to pure love

Complete our event with a weekend of angelic and loving dolphin energies. Experience joy, self-love, creative boost, rejuvenation, playfulness and bliss.

Saturday July 23rd will be the first day of the 21 days of LiveEnergy Download™. 

Listen to the initiation call replay:

Click to download the recording to your computer:

Friday August 12th will be the last day of the 21 days of LiveEnergy Download™.

Saturday August 13th will be the first day of the Essential Dolphin Energies Weekend.

Sunday August 14th will be the last day of the Essential Dolphin Energies Weekend.


  1. Hello Sherri, I just both your program, I wish to invite my husband Rudolf Jokl, and my mom Renata Kosarova. Neither of them knows of their participation in this program, mom has Alzheimers ( I had private session with you, Skyping from Czech Republic) my husband is not open to transmitting energies concept.
    Thank you for realigning us with the rest of the group.
    With gratitude, Renata

  2. Hi Sherry, I can feel a lot of anger and frustration coming to the surface to be released. Also, a lot of tears. I try not to figure it, but breathe and ask for it to be released.

    The other funky thing I’m running into are major delays and seeming “walls” where I can’t get anywhere regarding any area of my life. For instance, I’ve written a poetry book about chronic illness. But it has been delayed for months now, and even more so in the last weeks…with the formatting guy and book cover guy simply not finishing their jobs, so I can compile and release the book.

    Is it ‘resistance in moving forward’ that needs released? An you please, please, Please add this to your energy hearings? I’m about to lose my mind.

    Love and Blessings

  3. Yes! Say yes to yourself. And giving to yourself is the first step in getting a giving and receiving flow out of stuck. It can be simple things, bubble baths, walks, beautiful self-talk, lists of appreciation when your cup gets full you can give and kick start the flow. But we do not ever give from an empty cup. We also give where our light can be amplified, not bottomless pits. This is where many of us find ourselves feeling bitter over giving to place that cannot receive, or use your gifts against you. If your cup is full who are frustrated with how your gifts are received then give anonymously or to animals. May all your gifts be received with joy and may your gifts be amplified. May you receive with the deepest of acceptance and gratitude.

  4. It’s finally here! Essential Dolphin energies are streaming all weekend. We are supporting gentle, blissful, self loving energies for those who are ready for it and also a shift towards authentic expression, letting go of limitations for stepping forward into your new life!

    Be love in action today!

  5. Forgiveness is a sacred act of transformation between you and your source or universe. In its more refined form it has nothing to do with another person or situation. It is the choice to not vibrate at the frequency of blame, torture, confusion or violence. It is courageous choice to choose to elevate your life out of its past circumstances.

    The other person or organization or country that you have a past with? It is totally neutral to you after you complete your sacred choice. It means you have loved all the parts of yourself vibrating at anger or violation.

    Shine your light into the parts of yourself shivering in the past. Let unconditional love flow through you to embrace and bring home these parts. Rejoice that you have more wisdom, self-acceptance and empowerment because you went to the depths of your soul and integrated.

    This is freedom.

  6. Take a few minutes to feel grounded and centered and balanced. If you would like to build the abundance playground in your home this is a good day to do so. Be centered, stable and balance. Choose a goal you feel excited to receive that is just shy of something that kicks in self sabotage. Our first day is a boost of confidence and self love.

    Let’s allow frequencies of play in everything we do. Let’s feel playfulness in our “work,” our daily details. We can declare that basic tasks such cleaning also releases you from limitations and past burdens. We could say as you peel potatoes false programs also disappear. We could decide that every email sent helps someone lost find its way home. Even when everyone around us a serious we can have a inner smile of calm and sometimes amusement depending on the situation. Add more sacred playfulness in your serious day. Use each moment to build your abundance momentum.

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