Endocrine Glands Upgrade
These PureEnergy Download™ transmissions are designed for your use to clear and rejuvenate the physical and subtle bodies. Each mp3 has unique energies for each gland and it's relationship within the physical body, nervous system and energetic bodies. The energy is uniquely gifted to us to assist with the energetic shifts of our time and evolution. I have meditated for decades on the esoteric meaning of our endocrine centers and I am happy to present this set for you. While each endocrine gland is listed separately, the energies also connect them to their best interaction together: clearing, aligning, regenerating flows and communication on not only the physically but within your alignment and integration. Inner vortexes are cleared and aligned. Our test team had a range of experiences from deep emotional release and cleansing to feeling cleansed and uplifted whenever played. Take them slowly. Use the Ultraviolet Liquid Crystal PureEnergy Download™ every other day and each of the Endocrine Glands PureEnergy Download™, one a day until you get a sense of how you are doing with them. Deep emotional shifts can happen with these, so go at a comfortable pace for yourself.

Adrenals PureEnergy Download™
PureEnergy Download™ Energy Transmission | mp3 Download | Length 10:03 |
This PureEnergy Download™ works to balance and rejuvenate weak or overworked adrenals. As with the other glands, particularly the thyroid, they are interrelated.
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Hypothalamus PureEnergy Download™
PureEnergy Download™ Energy Transmission | mp3 Download | Length 9:26 |
Use of this PureEnergy Download™ strengthens and reinforces the function of the hypothalamus which is the connection between the endocrine and nervous systems. It secretes vital neuro-hormones responsible for body temperature, sleep, fatigue, hunger and thirst among other things. A good working hypothalamus is essential for body vitality and you will feel a boost of deep energy and dynamism.
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Ovaries PureEnergy Download™
PureEnergy Download™ Energy Transmission | mp3 Download | Length 9:06 |
The ovaries and the testicles PureEnergy Download™ are fine to listen to even if you wear the other set. The energy is to assist in balance other times you may have had imbalances within them and can assist those around you. Use these even if you have had surgical removal.
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Pineal PureEnergy Download™
PureEnergy Download™ Energy Transmission | mp3 Download | Length 9:33 |
The pineal gland has several functions: as an energy center and connection to the infinite, and of course, as a producer of melatonin. This mp3 covers the pineal detox as well as aligning connections to other endocrine centers and the brain.
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Pituitary PureEnergy Download™
PureEnergy Download™ Energy Transmission | mp3 Download | Length 11:10 |
The master pituitary gland controls several of the other hormone glands including the thyroid and adrenals. While usually the size of a pea and is situated in a bony hollow beneath the base of the brain and just behind the bridge of your nose. The gland consists of two lobes and the energy of this mp3 also works with the space around the pituitary and the cranial sutures.
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Thymus PureEnergy Download™
PureEnergy Download™ Energy Transmission | mp3 Download | Length 8:11 |
The thymus secretes hormones integral for developing children and immune response. This mp3 works on the thymus, the heart and subtle bodies. This PureEnergy Download™ also works on emotional heart levels.
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Thyroid & Parathyroid PureEnergy Download™
PureEnergy Download™ Energy Transmission | mp3 Download | Length 11:21 |
Our biggest gland the thyroid is prone to several environmental stressors and often people feel imbalances of the thyroid. This is designed to align the original energetic blueprint of your thyroid, if you just need a pick me up or have an over or under active thyroid or have autoimmune weakness with it.
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Ultraviolet Liquid Crystal Light PureEnergy Download™
PureEnergy Download™ Energy Transmission | mp3 Download | Length 11:45 |
This mp3 is the balancing point for all of the above and if you feel yourself in need of a quick re-balance, come back to this mp3.
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