Package C: Optimal Wellness
This is your Package C Homepage. Bookmark this page so you can easily get to the downloads and call recordings. I have just sent you an email with additional information about your package and the link to get back here as well.
Your Personal Session
The email I sent you when you registered your package has important information you need to schedule your Personal Session. When you are ready to schedule your Personal Session, get the Coupon Code from that email. Then simply click the Schedule Now button and follow the instructions.
Transformative Group Calls
In each of these recorded calls, Sherry delivers her unique clearings, processes and activations and takes questions from callers. The recordings are filled with the healing energies of the original call.
Basic Physical Wellness (Item 8)
Call begins with body-mind-spirit balance and attachment clearings. Sherry will lead an energetic process with activations and then she will take your live and written questions.
Sherry will activate you for body basics including how to keep yourself strong and clear energetically. What is "wellness" and how do we stay that way? How to relieve stress and manage your pain. We will cover some of the genesis of wellness and disease and how natural healing can work against you.
Call of February 27th, 2016
Click to download the recording to your computer:
Physical Intelligence (Item 9)
Call begins with body-mind-spirit balance and attachment clearings. Sherry will lead an energetic process with activations and then she will take your live and written questions.
Can you tell if something makes you weak or strong? The body knows what it needs and wants. This call will focus on listening to what your body is telling you, how to hear, interpret and understand the language your body speaks. Sherry will share energetic processes to recognize what makes you weak and what makes you strong and provide you with an energetic first aid kit. Sherry will close the call with a process to detoxify your liver and lymph system.
Call of March 12th, 2016
Click to download the recording to your computer:
Eliminating Resistance to Wellness (Item 10)
Call begins with body-mind-spirit balance and attachment clearings. Sherry will lead an energetic process with activations and then she will take your live and written questions.
Are you in the way of your own health? Are others (friends, family, "experts") sabotaging your recovery? This call will help you take ownership of your health power and supercharge your relationship to your physical body. Sherry will help you 'get out of the way' of your own wellness and create a holistic journey with no space for self-sabotage. You will also get rid of conscious and subconscious hurdles on your wellness path.
Call of March 26th, 2016
Click to download the recording to your computer:
All Q&A (Item 11)
Call begins with body-mind-spirit balance and attachment clearings. Sherry will lead an anchoring group process with activations and then she will take your live and written questions.
Call of April 9th, 2016
Click to download the recording to your computer:
Soul Integration with Structural Alignment (Bonus!)
Call begins with body-mind-spirit balance and attachment clearings. Sherry leads an energetic process with activations and then she takes live and written questions from the audience.
We harmoniously aligned and strengthened our structural integration of spinal column and bones, organs blood, lymph, blood for old emotions and patterns including self-hatred. We clear our relationships to our home and others. We cleared the bio field and strengthened our ability to work with virus and bacteria.
Call of April 16th, 2016
Before You Listen to the MP3s
This set of mp3’s are loaded with the new energies. In our test group, some people reported that the energy stayed with them 2 to 3 days after playing. They are designed to align you to your greatest potential. I recommend listening to one at a time and to be aware of your tolerance level before you put them on continuous play. Do not listen to these recordings if you are driving a car. There is, of course, clearing involved within the recordings.
Many of these mp3 recordings are guided activations and each has a unique energetic signature for your transformation. The PureEnergy Downloads™ are silent and for many people are quite powerful. Listen to what you intuitively feel is right for you. The mp3’s are designed to align you to a new paradigm and if emotions come up for you, repeat listening will assist.
Downloading tips
Your mp3 Energy Recordings can be played using the player on this page or downloaded.
If you are using Chrome or Internet Explorer, just click the download button to download them directly to your PC (you don't need to right-click anything).
If you are using Firefox or Safari (on Mac), you need to right-click or click-hold and choose Download Linked File (or Download Linked File As) to download the files.
If you are using an iPhone or iPad, I have found that Downloader for iOS (available free on the App Store) will let you download these files directly to your device and play them in the app. If you download the files to your computer and transfer them to your device using iTunes, you can play them with the built-in Music app.
If you are using an Android phone or tablet with the Chrome browser, simply touch and hold the download button until the menu appears. Then touch "Save Link" and the file will download to your device. The downloaded files can be played using Google Play Music or directly in the download area on your device.
If these suggestions don't work on your particular device, you can register for a free account on DropBox, Google Drive, or Microsoft OneDrive and use these accounts to store and play your mp3's.
Private Facebook Group
Our private Facebook group is ready for you to join. Simply click HERE and request to be added as a member.
Item 1 - Upgrade Your Bio-computer Guided Activation
Your bio-computer is your complete physical and metaphysical systems, working together as a whole. This activation helps to tune-up all the connections, clear the blockages, and install upgraded features to help clear the path to the healthy you.
Click to download the recording to your computer:
Item 2 - Complete Cellular Fitness Guided Activation
You work out at a gym to build muscle and cardio-vascular fitness. But, fitness begins at the cellular level. This activation clears weakness and damage, beginning at the sub-cellular and creates solid building blocks for your body.
Click to download the recording to your computer:
Item 3 - Brain Balance (Cranial & Lower) Guided Activation
Your autonomic nervous system is your cranial brain with your spinal cord and nerve clusters in many of your organs (your lower brains). Together, they control many biological processes we usually take for granted from regulating blood pressure to sexual response. This activation strengthens your brains and clears the emotional and psychic patterns that restrict the free flow of energy throughout this entire network and restores connections. Of course we also work with the lower brains in the lower sacrum and tail brain to enhance you sense of strength and integration.
Click to download the recording to your computer:
Item 4 - Restoring Ph. Balance, Microbiome and Greens Guided Synthesis
This synthesis adds the energies of greens that assist our bodies Ph. balance from acidic to alkaline. We also want to restore the body's ability to balance itself back to alkaline to the level that is right for you. We have hundreds of genes designed to work with our microbiome, we want to strengthen our body to attract the right microbes for us and the right balance for us. The biota in our guts also support cravings so energies were added to cut these cravings and restore them to the desire of your healthiest microbiome.
Click to download the recording to your computer:
Item 5 - Detoxification Guided Activation
Over time, toxins accumulate and contribute to depression, illness, even shortened life. Your body does its best to remove physical toxins, but they may be trapped by emotional and spiritual states that hold physical stagnation. This activation delivers synthesized, multi-layered energetic work to help flush any toxins in the body and stimulate the liver and gallbladder so they can be restored to their detoxifying function. It also clears the lymphatic system from any hurdles resetting its easy flow. This activation also invigorates the nervous system smoothing out any blocks.
Click to download the recording to your computer:
Item 6 - Endocrine Neurotransmitter with Dolphin Essential Energies Guided Activation
This energy transmission strengthens your chemical messengers of your neurotransmitters and your hormone. There is a circuitry of energy used to strengthen and balance the transmissions.
The endocrine system regulates hormones, including the glands in our bodies. This activation is designed to reinforce the neurotransmitter circuitry regulating the whole endocrine system including: pineal, pituitary, pancreas, ovaries, testes, thyroid, thymus and adrenal. It strengthens connection between all endocrine relationships and aligns them to your original blueprint. Including your hypothalamus and its connection back to CNS. Of course we are including the gut hormones and the ones our conscious mind may be unaware of.
Some researchers believe 86% of us have suboptimal neurotransmitters that are responsible for telling our hearts to beat and our lungs to breathe and your stomach to digest. Lets shape up our neurotransmitters to strengthen our neural connections.
Click to download the recording to your computer:
Item 7 - Enteric Nervous System Upgrade Guided Activation
Your enteric nervous system, sometimes called your second brain, is a mass of web neural tissue lining your stomach and gut. While obviously involved in digestive processes, the enteric nervous system also strongly influences your mood, wellbeing, even intelligence. It provides optimal gut health and restores communication between the cells.
Click to download the recording to your computer:

Bonus 1 - Upgrade Your Bio-computer PureEnergy Download™
This silent PureEnergy Download™ restores the function of your body, repairs your internal hard drive, releases any unwanted dense energies, corrects the path of each cell giving you a renewed operating system.
Click to download the recording to your computer:
Bonus 2 - Brain Balance (Cranial & Lower) PureEnergy Download™
This silent PureEnergy Download™ brings all parts of the brain up to speed with the new reviving energies. This mp3 delves into the tail brain, sacral brain and cranial brain making sure all connections are working smoothly. It also synchronizes with the nervous system ensuring all actions by the brain are carried through by the rest of the body. This mp3 is a vital part of the package as it provides grounding and integrating of all the energies.
Click to download the recording to your computer:
Bonus 3 - Restoring Ph. Balance, Microbiome and Greens PureEnergy Download™
This silent PureEnergy Download™ allows the body to balance itself whether it is too alkaline or too acidic. It reinforces the body’s balanced microbiota which harmonizes the body and balances the gut flora.
Click to download the recording to your computer:
Bonus 4 - Endocrine Neurotransmitter with Dolphin Essential Energies PureEnergy Download™
The endocrine system regulates all hormone glands in our bodies. This silent PureEnergy Download™ is designed to reinforce the neurotransmitter circuitry regulating the whole endocrine system including: pineal, pituitary, pancreas, ovaries, testes, thyroid, thymus and adrenal. It strengthens connection between all endocrine parts and aligns them to your original blueprint.
Click to download the recording to your computer:
Package B Energy Recordings
Item 12 - Rejuvenate & Regenerate with Dolphin Essential Energies Guided Activation
This activation tackles cellular rejuvenation giving a new life to cells and restoring them to their optimal condition. As a result, cellular regeneration will be stimulated and the body’s self-healing abilities amplified. This can be used for all parts of your body you wish to rejuvenate, including hair follicles, color skin, and more. Notice what you want to feel like with the change you desire and let these frequencies wash over and through you. Be fit all the way through!
Click to download the recording to your computer:
Item 13 - Relieve Inflammation & Autoimmune Response Guided Activation
These frequencies address aspects of inflammation and autoimmune response all over the body, including joints, circulatory systems, and muscles. They assist you in releasing programs holding irritations and strong patterns holding the body's response in inflammation.
Click to download the recording to your computer:
Item 14 - Chronic Fatigue & Fibromyalgia Guided Activation
These frequencies support the flow of energy all over the body including brain and nervous systems to get energy and activity back in to your life. Stagnation is addressed and programs holding the form of these illnesses are lifted.
Click to download the recording to your computer:
Item 15 - Rejuvenate & Regenerate with Dolphin Essential Energies PureEnergy Download™
This silent PureEnergy Download™ tackles cellular rejuvenation giving a new life to cells and restoring them to their optimal condition. As a result, cellular regeneration will be stimulated and the body’s self-healing abilities amplified. It is particularly helpful for rejuvenating hair and bringing back the strength to weak nails.
Click to download the recording to your computer:
Item 17 - Resilience PureEnergy Download™
This silent PureEnergy Download™ helps you spring back into action after a period of inactivity or fatigue. It ensures that your body snaps back to optimal health in record time just like an elastic band swiftly snaps back. By hastening your body’s self-healing potential, it also alleviates any tendency of your body to take longer recovery time than need.
Click to download the recording to your computer: