Before You Listen to the mp3s
Five of these are guided activations and each has a unique energetic signature for your transformation. The Pure Energy downloads are silent and for many people are quite powerful. Listen to what you intuitively feel is right for you. the Mp3’s are designed to align you to a new paradigm and if emotions come up for you, repeat listening will assist.
Your mp3 Energy Recordings can be played using the player on this page or downloaded. The download button will download them directly to your PC (you don't need to right-click anything).
If you are using a Mac with Safari, you need to click-hold (or right-click) and choose Download Linked File (or Download Linked File As) to download the files.
If you are using an iPhone or iPad, I have found that Downloader for iOS (available free on the App Store) will let you download these files directly to your device and play them in the app. If you download the files to your computer and transfer them to your device using iTunes, you can play them with the built-in Music app.
If you are using an Android phone or tablet with the Chrome browser, simply touch and hold the download button until the menu appears. Then touch "Save Link" and the file will download to your device. The downloaded files can be played using Google Play Music or directly in the download area on your device.
Having Technical Trouble?
While they are pretty amazing, my team is not technically proficient with every kind of computer, mobile device, operating system, and browser. If you experience any technical problems getting the downloads or transformation call recordings, please send an email to and we will do our best to help.
Transformation Call Recordings
These recordings of the live transformation calls are approximately 90 minutes. The replays deliver the same energies for you as listening live.
Align to Wholeness
This is the foundational call to anchor your identification of your authentic energies and expressions of your body, mind and spirit.
The call begins with body, mind, and spirit balance and attachment clearings. Release fears, empower yourself, and balance wholeness for an effective life. Neutralize shame, blame, inadequacy, abandonment, self-hatred, discounting your value, disassociation, and abuse, wounds that often appear before the age of seven or pre-birth.
Replay of the Align to Wholeness call (part 1):
Click to download the recording to your computer:
Replay of the Align to Wholeness call (part 2):
Click to download the recording to your computer:
"Whoa!!!! What an abundant, rich, empowering and deeply heartfelt call! Thank you Sherry! You are amazing! Love..."
- Love and integrate everything that comes up
- Use your mp3s in this package to help you stream unconditional love to all the disconnected parts of yourself.
- Every area of your life improves with wholeness
- You have every reason to love all the disintegrated parts of yourself and return to wholeness
Please honor yourself by letting gratitude well within you. If you are triggered, then love that part. Keeping loving it, all the way through. Let the gratitude flow through you. And then love the part that feels gratitude to supercharge it. -Sherry
Return to Self-love
The call begins with body, mind, and spirit balance and attachment clearings. Immerse yourself in the deepest most intimate self-love you can experience. Fully loving all aspects of your soul. Love the unlovable parts of yourself you may be rejecting or throwing away. Clearing or resolving resistance and saboteurs.
Replay of the Return to Self Love call:
Click to download the recording to your computer:
"Thank you for the wonderful call. It was the first time in a long time I could feel my heart open and it felt really nice..."
Prune the Family Tree
The call begins with body, mind, and spirit balance and attachment clearings. Free yourself and loved ones from family genetic patterns we knowingly and unknowingly adopt, limiting emotional patterns and programs, or familial programs such as hierarchical, lack of safety, misogyny, co-dependence, resentments, and jealousy.
Replay of the Prune the Family Tree call:
Click to download the recording to your computer:
"I'm enjoying all the calls immensely. I love the approach of inviting the fractal parts of ourselves to be integrated, returning home to wholeness. It's brilliant in every sense of the word. I'm now ready to integrate all those pieces and invite those gifts into their rightful place, right here, right now!"
Emergence of the Authentic Self
Call begins with body, mind, and spirit balance and attachment clearings. Ignite the alchemy found in the fractal magic of the transmutation, empowerment, love, and intelligence. Experience your unique genius, bring back lost talent. It's time to let the world see the authentic you - your true expression.
Replay of the Emergence of the Authentic Self call:
Click to download the recording to your computer:
When we let go of our fear and resistance, we are integrating the parts of ourselves attached to certain outcomes that interfere with our best creation. When we integrate our fractal parts we empower our most refined creations. -Sherry
Item 6 - Unwinding Shame
A unique guided activation with the additional energies of The Golden Blanket, Unconditional Love, and Delete Delusions, Illusions and Projections. This is quite a powerful activation and is best experienced after listening to some of the other mp3's in this set.
Click to download the recording to your computer:
Bonus Item 1 - PureEnergy Download™
Delete Servitude, Degradation, and Co-Dependence Patterns
This PureEnergy Download™ subtly lifts these destructive programs out of your energetic field. Unwind and transform the sense of service as an obligation, putting other adults’ needs ahead of our own, or moments known or unknown of degradation.
Click to download the recording to your computer:
Bonus Item 2 - PureEnergy Download™
Delete Manipulation, Pity, Sympathy from self and others
This PureEnergy Download™ unwinds and transforms memories of being manipulated or manipulating others, programs of pity where we can weaken others by feeling it or them feeling it for us, sympathy which is less than unconditional love. A more powerful and loving reflection for anyone under any circumstance.
Click to download the recording to your computer:
Bonus Item 3 - PureEnergy Download™
Delete Delusions, Illusions and Projections from self and others
This PureEnergy Download™ is designed to unwind and transform patterns of illusion, delusions and projection making our energetic field weak. These can be from us, society, or other people we know.
Click to download the recording to your computer:
Bonus Item 4 - PureEnergy Download™
The Golden Blanket - Experience your Sovereign Self
This is a download of energies that appear golden but have many other colors and frequencies within them. It assists in calming the field, restoring the understanding of sovereignty and unconditional love.
Click to download the recording to your computer: